K·Yield v. - Yield Management of Knowledge

Inventor of the enterprise AI OS (KOS): Embedded governance, learning, prevention, security, and productivity.


KYield, Inc. offers systems and services surrounding the new theorem Mark Montgomery developed in 1990s "yield management of knowledge".

KYield’s mission is to provide systems of integrity to organizations and individuals that have the ability to manage the knowledge yield curve in a secure, affordable manner so they can execute precision governance, make informed decisions based on accurate data, prevent crises, improve productivity, and remain competitive.

KYield offers multiple products and systems, including:

  • KOS: Universal to any type of organization, the KOS is a distributed AI OS in our patented modular architecture. The KOS provides enterprise-wide governance, security, prevention and enhanced productivity tailored to each entity. 
  • KYield Healthcare Platform: While still premature when we published our use case scenario on diabetes in 2010, which has since been downloaded by millions of people from most heatlhcare institutions and companies, the healthcare platform is designed to optimize preventative care in a patient-centric manner. Ideal for self-insured employer paid healthcare, we are seeing renewed interest from governments and insurers due to realization that much more efficient systems are needed.
  • HumCat: Prevention of human-caused catastrophes. This new product first revealed in early 2017 has long-been under R&D. By bundling the KOS prevention function with financial incentives including insurane and potentially financing, customers can achieve a very attractive ROI. There is no other higher ROI than prevention of crises other than accelerating R&D and creating the next Apple, Google, etc.
  • 'Synthetic Genius Machine and Knowledge Creation System' (SGM). When available, the  patent-pending SGM (August, 2019) will provide superintelligence as a service at the confluence of symbolic AI and quantum computing. 

Contact us for more information.